Amsterdam’s smart future

A city is smart when investments in capital and communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, in combination with an efficient use of natural resources. Over the past three years, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area has worked towards becoming a Smart City.

Smart platform

Amsterdam Smart City (ASC) was initiated by the Amsterdam Innovation Motor, the City of Amsterdam, Liander and KPN. It has grown into a broad platform, with more than 70 partners that are involved in a variety of projects focusing on energy transition and open connectivity. ASC is all about the total sum of testing innovative products and services, understanding the behavior of the residents and users of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and sustainable economic investments. Using a collective approach by bringing partners together and setting up local projects, ASC makes it possible to test new initiatives. The most effective initiatives can then be implemented on a larger scale. All the acquired knowledge and experience is shared via the ASC platform. In this way, ASC helps to accelerate climate and energy programs. The ultimate goal of all activities is to contribute positively towards achieving CO2 emission targets, as well as aiding the economic development of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.Central points include:

  • an initiating and facilitating platform for its partners in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
  • to connect the needs and wishes of users, residents, government and business.
  • provide new possibilities for testing technologies, products, services and approaches in various urban living labs in the region.
  • open infrastructures, open innovation, open knowledge and open data.