Alcatel-Lucent and Regional Telecom, a communications service provider in Northern Iraq have launched of Iraq‚ Äôs 4G LTE network, providing under the Fastlink brand the region with a fast wireless broadband services including high-definition video streaming, high-speed Internet access and a range of business applications. The companies say 4G LTE technology will play a key role in helping Regional Telecom restore the region‚Äôs communication infrastructure. High-speed mobile broadband network will also provide significant support to ongoing efforts to revive the Iraqi economy, bringing levels of connectivity needed for business, public sector and consumer applications, particularly at a time when global demand for Internet services continues to grow, outlined a statement. Regional Telecom under the Fastlink brand states it is the first to offer large-scale wireless broadband services in Iraq. Alcatel-Lucent is providing its industry-leading end-to-end 4G LTE solution, including base stations, IP mobile backhaul for 4G LTE and existing 3G CDMA traffic, Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and elements of its platforms, which will allow Regional Telecom to introduce a rich portfolio of advanced IP-based services.