L-3 Aviation Products (AP) announced that Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation has selected the GH-3001 Electronic Standby Instrument System (ESIS), Stormscope WX-500 Lightning Detection System and PS-855 Emergency Power Supply (EPS) for its H-60 and S-70i™ helicopter platforms. This follow-on award is a five-year contract that spans from 2013 through 2017. The Sikorsky H-60 and S-70i aircraft are flown by more than 25 countries, with the U.S. Army and Navy operating the bulk of them. Designed with military platforms in mind, the night vision goggle (NVG)-compatible GH-3001 ESIS provides accurate attitude, altitude, airspeed and heading cues in a compact unit that has been certified to higher EMI levels. Customized tape readouts allow the addition of a Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI). The WX-500 Stormscope is a passive system that was developed specifically to detect and map thunderstorms by analyzing the radiated signals of electrical discharges from storm cells. By detecting the electrical activity, Stormscope provides an accurate view of areas that are the most dangerous portions of a thunderstorm. The PS-855 EPS supplies power to critical avionics in the event of an emergency and produces additional power output at 24 VDC to run other emergency equipment without interruption. The batteries are capable of withstanding severe performance requirements.