Ultrathin electronics tag shares the future

Waterloo-based Terepac, a pioneer in the world’s tiniest digital electronics, has launched the TereTagwhich allows virtually any object to become part of the Internet of Things. This tag, embedded unobtrusively in its host, gives it a wide range of capabilities to identify, communicate, and operate with more security and efficiency. Terepac states these products will be lighter, smaller, and less expensive, and will have a smaller environmental footprint. The tiny device, implanted in a company logo on a hat and a drink coaster, operates by simply tapping the TereTag with a cell phone resulting in sharing logorelated messages for its owner via Twitter, Facebook and Google. The user can access details about the product and share information with friends through social networks. Networkin the object with other devices involves creation of related applications which allow the object to become the app platform itself, to mine, manage and visualize data created by the objects. Finally, it establishes social media connectivity, making it a one-stop shop for giving voice to things. Terepac has a patent-protected process that allows the company to miniaturize circuits to an unprecedented degree.