Sustainable Development Awards 2013

Sustainable Development Awards 2013
On the occasion of Productronica 2013, Munich, November 12.

Electronics Day Award
Assigned to the person of outstanding commitment and vision in making a lasting difference by driving one of the most important industries world-wide towards a more sustainable one.

Wayne Rifer – Manager EPEAT Operations – Green Electronics Council
For his efforts in the national negotiation NEPSI to design a funding system to recycle discarded electronic products – initiating and managing the stakeholder process to develop EPEAT (Electronics Product Environmental Assessment Tool), a procurement tool for environmentally preferable electronics.

Gavin Jackson – Electronics Group – Henkel
For his instrumental role and work in developing sustainable, environmentally friendly materials for electronics assembly, within an overall drive to pioneer new solutions for sustainable development while continuing to shape responsible business.

Dr. Kwangill Koh – CEO – Koh Young
For the introduction of 3D measurement and inspection methods, which have set a new standard in electronics manufacturing, offering advanced measurement accuracy and reliability in order to reduce production’s environmental footprint.

Dr. Hein Willems – Director – Solliance
For his work within a cross-border research initiative on thin film photovoltaics by ECN, Holst Centre, imec, TNO, TU Eindhoven and FZ Jülich, which achieved a world first with a new inkjet printing process for manufacturing environmentally friendly OPV cells that deliver benchmark efficiency.

Andrea Cuomo – Chairman – 3Sun
For spearheading strategies for the development of thin film solar cells scaled to the necessity of fueling a singe light-bulb, with higher energy yields per watt, at both high temperatures and with diffuse light.


Automotive Innovation Award

Assigned to the person who is setting new milestones by driving the smarter way for safety, control and security in today’s automotive applications.

Paul Lambert – Group VP – Johnson Controls
For the introduction of the first production infotainment system taking into account consumer electronics, such as using phones and existing apps to connect inside vehicles, without compromising safety in the automotive environment.

Andrea Vailati – Technology Engineer – Magneti Marelli
For the development and introduction of innovative solutions capable of combining safety and quality environmental considerations, as well as latest-generation technologies in the automotive industry.

Steve Montgomery – Chairman – C Working Group, MISRA
For his work with the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) in the development of standards for safety-critical systems for advanced electronic control units in automobiles.

Fely Krewell – Automotive Manager – Spansion
For her efforts in collaboration with NVIDIA to develop powerful systems that connect drivers with their cars and create a compelling user environment in an oncoming wave of automotive technology that will hit the road from iconic automakers.

Georges Penalver – Executive VP and Chief Strategy Officer – STMicroelectronics
For pioneering and the development of intelligent high-side switches for vehicle electronics in advanced automotive electronics, cutting cost, weight and boosting safety.


Aero Innovation Award

Assigned to a leader responsible for recognized innovation bringing new paradigms for driving change in aviation.

Troy Troshynski – Senior VP Product Development – Avionics Interface Technologies.
For his extensive work with high speed avionics and data communications protocols, including developing MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, and ARINC 664 applications software, device driver and embedded real-time software- all critical to the reliability and safety of aircraft.

Eric Dautriat – Executive Director – Clean Sky initiative
For spearheading Clean Sky’s efforts to develop breakthrough technologies to significantly increase the environmental performances of airplanes and air transport, resulting in less noisy and more fuel efficient aircraft to address the challenge of sustainable air transport to meet the ACARE environmental targets.

Kirk Avery – Vice-chair – FACE Consortium’s Technical Working Group
For his efforts in leading Sensors Ship and Aviation Systems in the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Consortium to foster open-systems avionics to build standards and business models for the aviation community.

David Hall – VP RF Integrated Solutions – Microsemi
For his work and dedication to delivering products that make a difference in terms of performance, reliability and safety in avionics, such as the development of Smartfusion solutions operational at extreme temperatures.

Philip Clinch – VP Aircraft Solutions – SITA.
For the ongoing expansion and adoption of Aircom cockpit communications with Iridium in airborne avionics to carry out voice and Aircraft Communication Addressing & Reporting System (ACARS) communications worldwide, bringing improved safety, efficiency and low avionics installation costs.


Future Cities Award

Assigned to the person who has been successfully fostering new opportunities to sustain development, security and mobility via modern and intelligent ICT Infrastructures in the context of today’s metropolises.

Mayor Xavier Trias – Barcelona – Catalonia
For his leading efforts in the regeneration of an old industrial zone known as the ‘Catalan Manchester’, seeing the city create 22@ to house its growing information and communications technology cluster, which includes global brands like HP, IBM and Fujitsu as well as homegrown innovators.

Indrek Vimberg – COO – Estonia ICT Demo Center
For his role in establishing and creating the e-Estonia digital society made possible through an open, decentralized system that links together various services and databases. The flexibility provided by this open set-up has allowed new components of the digital society to be developed and added through the years.

Mayor Matti Pennanen – Oulu – Finland
For leveraging the city’s pedigree in ICT and electronics manufacturing – resulting in creating more than 18,000 jobs in high technology, thanks to risk-taking in education and strong public-private collaboration. Oulu has also guided the formation of multiple R&D organizations, from the Center for Internet Excellence to Oulu Urban Living Labs.

Sture Udd – CEO – Upcode
For his work within the concept of the digital society through the deployment of mobile electronics, which could radically reduce costs in developing and investing in legacy infrastructures, bringing increased efficiency in governance and streamlining access to services in urban environments.

Alfredo Brillembourg – Founding-partner – Urban-think tank
For extending the implementation of the smart cities vision, leveraging the digital dimension to include slum areas. His work surrounds the architecture that supports these areas and calls for action to see in informal settlements a potential for innovation and experimentation, with the goal of putting design in service to a more equitable and sustainable future.


Resources Award
Assigned to the person who fosters a smarter approach to product lifecycles and materials usage based on a growing awareness of the overall impact on economic development and on the planet in general.

Azita Yazdani – CEO – Exergy
For her work within advanced membrane and electrochemical separation technologies for the recovery of valuable process materials and the reuse of water, as well as recycling technologies for wet manufacturing and waste reduction.

Netra Chhetri – Senior Scientist – Global Institute of Sustainability
For her research into sensitivity analysis using process based crop-simulation models, such as the use of EPIC and its simulating algorithms, in the analysis of the impacts of climate change in agriculture, particularly in developing countries.

Nitin Kapoor – Product Manager – Smarter Cities, IBM
For work in the Intelligent Operations for Water platform, which supports an application development model that allows for third parties to build water applications (such as leak detection, flood management, water quality applications) quickly and consistently on the Smarter Water platform.

Patrice Rollet – Director – Inventec
For his efforts and participation in the environment commissions of national, European and United Nations associations demonstrating the company’s commitment to comply with health and environmental protection measures and, as an SME, to important worldwide environmental issues

James Elser – Principal Investigator – Phosphorus Research Coordination Network (RCN)
For his work and achievements in phosphorus research and efficient recycling to combat runoff from farms and cities, which pollutes lakes, rivers, and coastal oceans, causing harmful algal blooms that impair drinking water and kill fish and shellfish.


Infrastructures Award

Assigned to the person who excelled in creating a legacy of environmental stewardship through improving efficiency and sustainability of existing structures.

Ursula Tischner – CEO – econcept
For realizing an Ecodesign Project for the German EPA (UBA) where econcept researched developed and assembled a toolkit for Eco- and Sustainable Design and Innovation, leading to the participation in the development of ISO 14062.

Gerald Santucci – ‎Head of Unit “Knowledge Sharing” – European Commission
For his longstanding commitment to developing cooperation within the EU and with Europe’s international partners to promote the standards and regulations in Internet related technologies and systems for the implementation of tomorrow’s knowledge society.

Troels Oerting – Head of EC3 – European Cybercrime Centre
For his work heading up the EU’s new European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) inaugurated in January 2013. The EC3, co-operates closely with the FBI and the US secret service in addition to other foreign agencies, focusing on illegal online activities carried out by organized crime groups, especially attacks targeting e-banking and other online financial activities, online child sexual exploitation and crimes affecting the EU’s critical infrastructure.

David Bartlett – VP Smarter Physical Infrastructure – IBM
For the introduction of a new solution recently that can make buildings, even if they are large or old, energy efficient and capable of measuring nearly every facet of a building’s energy use, through low cost wireless sensors.

Juma Assiago – Urban Safety Expert – UN-Habitat’s Global Network on Safer Cities
For driving the adoption of advanced electronic solutions in comprehensive urban safety strategies and supporting cities in the prevention of urban crime – acting as a common platform that links existing crime and violence prevention networks with the different cadre of urban infrastructure players.